What is Breathwork?

Developed in the early 70's, it has been practiced by many thousands of people throughout the world. Circular Breathwork is a powerful, safe, and gentle breathing technique which releases stress from the body and increases your energy level, for the purpose of experiencing more ease and pleasure in your life. It is a form of therapy that can alleviate feelings such as fear, sadness, and anger.  A routine and consistent breathwork practice can assist in eliminating toxins from the body as well as years of stored trauma and emotions that reside in our cellular memory.  It has been learned that most trauma and life patterns (positive or negative) can be traced back to and during the birth process beginning at the time of inception.  During a session we will use conscious connected breathing which induces deep relaxation and an expanded state of consciousness, which opens a space to release these patterns.  A trained Breathworker will guide your breath in a way that will increase the levels of oxygen in your body, which also increases your energy.  These increased levels of oxygen stimulate the body’s natural way to cleanse itself.

Breath is Life… I think that most of you would agree.

It is a common fact that most people only use 30% of their breath capacity. When we breath in that way, it means we are solely engaging our neck, shoulders, collar bones and the top of our lungs. Apart from the lungs, none of these body parts were designed to breath. When we start breathing in a healthy, natural way, we incorporate our diaphragm into our breath wave (belly-breathing). When we breath in this fashion, our entire body becomes a part of our breath wave, and we are constantly signaling to our brain that it can relax and that we are safe. Breath awareness of the natural breath, which is the Yin quality of breathwork, a sense of being rather than a doing, is the first step in creating a healthy, beneficial breathing pattern.

Private Breathwork Session

A typical Circular breathwork session is about 1 1/2-2 hours. The Circular breath portion of the session will be for 1 hour.  The first session is longer as you will fill out a client intake form and an interview so that you can both get to know each other.  The first session is $175 and each session thereafter is $125. That will include a 1 hour Breath with 30 minutes Coaching.  If you require more coaching and/or Energy work, the cost will be added as needed.  You can also reach out to Tullio to schedule a free 15 minute consultation to see if his services are a fit for you both. 

  • Energy Healing is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy systems, it manipulates, restores or balances the flow of energy in the body. The energy is channeled through the practitioner to the client, helping remove energy deficiencies and blockages, which then activates the body's own natural ability to heal itself.

Tullio is available for private sessions by appointment only.

Please reach out to inquire about availability.

Coming Soon

Group Breath

(stay tuned for details, dates and pricing)

(Choosing the appropriate mode of healing for individual circumstances) In even a cursory review of the science of various forms of healing, it is evident that the basis of every formula is the vibratory power of the life force supported by the receptivity of the person to be healed. Positive-minded confidence in the effectiveness of the remedy stimulates the healing life force. Therefore, methods of mental or physical should be administered to people according to their mental inclinations and mental habits. Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s” – that is, in adaptation, those who believe in medical healing, let them go to the medical doctors; those who believe in healing by the methods of osteopaths or homeopaths or other “natural” remedies, let them use such methods; those who believe in mental healers, let them go to the mental healers. But above all, no matter what one’s health practices, the most important belief must be in the unlimited healing power of God and the intercession of masters who are one with God. - Yogananda: The Second Coming of Christ p. 420-421

Benefits of a Breath Session

Bring Clarity and Focus as the brain shuts off during the session and emotions are released. Carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream drop, reducing the oxygen flow to the brain. The frontal part (analytical, intellectual) of the brain is put on standby to give way to the work of the subconscious mind. This is called Transient Hyper-Frontality. People may experience euphoria, a feeling of being invincible, a reduced state of discomfort, and even a loss in sense of time - physiologically similar to "runner's high".

Increase Energy due to the activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System which helps relax the over-stressed adrenal glands. Oxygen provides 90% of the body’s energy.

Boost Immunity by raising the pH to an alkaline state, increasing the body’s ability to kill bacteria.

Improve the Functioning of all Organs, as the body oxygenates and the diaphragm massages the stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas and heart. It improves memory and digestion, fatigue is reduced, and promotes better sleep.

Facilitate the Detoxification Process by stimulating the lymphatic system as it releases carbon monoxide, which is important to fully release. Breathing allows for 70% of toxins to be cleansed from the body (the other 30% is released through bladder and bowels.)

Improve Sleep - Insomnia is a common problem, especially among those entering recovery. You may find it difficult to turn off your mind and fall asleep, or you may wake up too early and not be able to fall back asleep. Certain breathing techniques have been shown to support better sleep throughout the night.

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