Bringing Light to the Darkness
A spiritual warrior must have the specific awareness to recognize that you are at war with the darkness of ignorance.
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
Discipline is the ability to restrain yourself—to control your impulses, desires, or emotions for the sake of improvement.
A persistent and determined intention to seek out false beliefs, attempts to fool yourself, and ego delusions.
Recognizes the slippery nature of the mind and how easily it can fool you, therefore, must be equally cunning and crafty when it comes to outwitting the habitual thought traps and cognitive biases.
The calm acceptance that not everything happens according to your timeline. It allows you to be content as well as pause, wait, endure, and allow things to unfold in their own way.
Impeccability in word and action.
Love is all that is. It is the core of your being and core of all other beings. Removing the veils of love is the spiritual warrior’s quest. You exist with love at your source, but often it lies hidden beneath anger, trauma, or suffering.
I am here on this earth to spread the light of conscious awakening and to teach and model unconditional love. My mission is to assist in healing through heart centered awareness and to also create a safe and loving environment. I am here to create a nonjudgmental environment where we can heal by utilizing proven techniques, holistic practices, workshops, educational tools and expanded awareness.
(The kingdom of heaven is to be found within the consciousness of man) Many people look for heaven at some point in space beyond the clouds, far away from the noxious, sinful vapors of the earth. Jesus’ words “at hand” signify the nearness of heaven, which lies just behind the darkness of the closed eyes, within the consciousness of man; and that with ease, people could find God through the meditation Jesus was offering to them. In deep meditation, when one shuts out the hand of finitude and matter, the realm of Eternity, the vast heavenly kingdom of God’s omniscience, is found to lie tier upon tier in endless vistas before the inner vision. Yogananda: The Second Coming of Christ p. 377
Positive Affirmations for Love